Iphone signalscope
Iphone signalscope

All this to say, perhaps getting a raw recording of an actual bird on my iPhone will improve the spectrograms (and I’m sure even more so if I had a microphone). Also, notice the loss of some of the higher frequencies in the playback. Probably one of the weirdest effects in the phone recording from my speaker is the speeding up of the audio file. I then saved the file from my phone to Drop Box, and converted it to AIFF through iTunes with all default settings from selecting that converter. Bottom: My iPhone 6s (iOS 11) recording of that file with the native Voice Memo app, played through my computer speaker. Top: sample audio file distributed with Raven Lite 2.0. phone recording of that file’s playback from computer speaker. Comparison of black-capped vireo song files: original recording vs. So, I decided to test it out with the fancier Raven software. I’m in a bit of a bind, therefore, in testing the apps: in some ways, it’s the best bird call signal I can expect to get with my iPhone microphone, but I do wonder about the consequences to the spectrogram of the speaker. cons: alteration of certain qualities of the sound from my relatively crappy laptop speaker, thereby affecting the resulting spectrogram.Also, I’ve been testing these apps with a chickadee call from my computer speaker, which has its pros and cons… From what I can gather, it seems that the best thing to do is get the highest quality recording possible (preferably with advanced equipment) and run it through a sophisticated program.

iphone signalscope

Let me start with some disclaimers: I’m just starting to learn about sound analysis. I’m mainly looking for something that I can match to Field Guide to Bird Sounds, with the thought that this could even be a useful field tool for the deaf/hard-of-hearing (D/HH) to enhance experience of the outdoors. I wasn’t willing to buy the super fancy apps with my limited knowledge. With that in mind, here are my thoughts on the apps I tried. I got into spectrograms looking at the figures in Handbook of Bird Biology. I took a dive into iPhone apps that produce spectrograms of recorded sound, with an interest in bird song (of course).

Iphone signalscope